Third-party packages

CheriBSD on Morello ships with CheriABI, hybrid ABI and benchmark ABI packages (compilations) of the CheriBSD ports collection, each targeting a different form of code generation and Application Binary Interface (ABI). They have different levels of completeness, maturity, security, and support.

CheriBSD ports extends FreeBSD ports, a collection of over 34,000 third-party software adaptations to FreeBSD, with CHERI- and CheriBSD-specific patches. The releng/24.05 CheriBSD ports branch contains ports matching the packages built for the current release.


The following table presents an overview of available package managers in CheriBSD that are described in more details in consecutive sections. You can also browse package repositories at to check what packages are available for a specific ABI version.

ABI#ManagerInstall pathSuitable for
CheriABI~10,000pkg64c/usr/localSecurity evaluation
Benchmark ABI~10,000pkg64cb/usr/local64cbPerformance evaluation
Hybrid ABI~25,000pkg64/usr/local64Day-to-day use

Package managers in CheriBSD

Note: As of this writing we only provide packages for Morello systems.

CheriBSD includes three package managers:

  • pkg64c for CheriABI packages;
  • pkg64cb for benchmark ABI packages;
  • pkg64 for hybrid ABI packages.

The FreeBSD package manager pkg is not available on CheriBSD. We expect that pkg64c will be renamed to pkg in a future CheriBSD release. The intention is that, over time, the CheriABI packages will become more mature, and hence the preferred collection for day-to-day use.

The syntax of the pkg64* commands match the syntax of the pkg command from FreeBSD. You can find information on package manager commands in FreeBSD's pkg manual pages shipped with CheriBSD, e.g. for the commands pkg64 rquery and pkg64c rquery, execute man pkg-rquery.

Additionally, you can learn more about FreeBSD's package manager by reading the pkg(8) manual page online and the FreeBSD Handbook chapter on packages and ports.

CheriABI packages

CheriABI packages are compiled using pure-capability CHERI C/C++, and employ fine-grained C/C++ memory protection.

These packages are considered appropriate for experimental use and a security evaluation of CHERI-extended hardware-software stacks. Their primary function is to provide necessary dependencies for efforts to port software to CheriABI and to support CHERI demonstration and evaluation. They are suitable for research and development of software that benefit from spatial and temporal memory safety as well as software compartmentalisation. They can also be used to investigate potential memory safety issues in third-party software that are easier to detect and debug using a CHERI-enabled hardware-software stack.

There are currently ~10,000 CheriABI packages available, including:

  • Databases: sqlite3;

  • Development utilities: autoconf, chericat, cmake, git, gmake;

  • Editors: nano, vim-tiny;

  • GUI environment: cheri-desktop (seatd, sddm, wayland, plasma5-plasma-workspace, dolphin, kate, konsole, okular);

  • Hypervisor tools: cheri-vm-support (u-boot-bhyve-arm64);

  • Language interpreters: perl5, tcl86;

  • Libraries: libnghttp2, libressl, libssh2, lzlib;

  • Networking tools: rsync31;

  • Shells: bash, dash;

  • System tools: sudo, tmux.

The packages are installed in the standard /usr/local hierarchy as they match the base system ABI.

Benchmark ABI packages

Benchmark ABI packages are compiled similarly to CheriABI packages, but differ in generated code that takes into account current limitations of the Morello architecture. You should make sure to read the Benchmarking guidance section before using the benchmark ABI packages to understand the differences between CheriABI and the benchmark ABI.

These packages are considered appropriate for a performance evaluation of the Arm Morello architecture and third-party software executed on it. They should not be used for a security evaluation, in which case you should use CheriABI instead.

There are currently ~10,000 benchmark ABI packages available which should include almost all packages that are available in the CheriABI package repository.

The packages are installed in the /usr/local64cb hierarchy. By default, /usr/local64cb/bin and /usr/local64cb/sbin are included in your PATH environment variable of a shell shipped with CheriBSD. If you are planning to use a custom shell, remember to add these paths to PATH.

Different numbers of CheriABI and benchmark ABI packages is a result of using a custom local base path (/usr/local64cb) and a custom LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable name (LD_64CB_LIBRARY_PATH) for the benchmark ABI. Multiple ports do not correctly handle these differences.

Hybrid ABI packages

Hybrid ABI packages are compiled almost identically to packages in the baseline non-CHERI architecture (e.g., Armv8-a for Morello, and 64-bit RISC-V for RISC-V), and do not have improvements in memory protection or software compartmentalization.

These packages are considered appropriate for day-to-day use. They are intended to provide stable versions of tools necessary to develop software and use your CHERI system while more software is ported to CheriABI.

There are currently ~25,000 hybrid ABI packages available, including:

  • Browsers: chromium, firefox;

  • Compilers:

    • llvm-morello;

      Includes Clang (a CHERI C/C++ compiler), LLD (a linker), and the LLVM infrastructure for the Arm Morello architecture. Binaries installed with this package have the suffix -morello.

    • llvm;

      Adds links in /usr/local64/bin to allow the llvm-morello package to be used as the default LLVM package, without the suffix -morello, e.g. clang instead of clang-morello.

    • llvm-base;

      Adds links in /usr/bin to allow the llvm package to be used in place of a base-system toolchain. The cc script installed with this package adds compiler flags required to natively compile code for a CHERI-enabled architecture.

    • rust.

  • Debuggers: gdb;

  • Development utilities: meson, ninja;

  • Editors: emacs;

  • Language interpreters: lua54, python39, ruby;

  • Shells: fish, zsh.

The packages are installed in the /usr/local64 hierarchy. By default, /usr/local64/bin and /usr/local64/sbin are included in your PATH environment variable of a shell shipped with CheriBSD. If you are planning to use a custom shell, remember to add these paths to PATH.