Installing on a Morello Board

Please ensure that you have upgraded the Morello board firmware before proceeding to CheriBSD installation.

Once you have a disk image, you will either need to write it to a USB stick to boot an Arm Morello system, or specify it as an argument to an emulator such as QEMU-CHERI or the Arm Morello FVP.

Writing an installer disk image to a USB stick

With appropriate substitutions of image filename and target device, the following command would write the image to a USB stick for use with a Morello board:

dd if=cheribsd-memstick-arm64-aarch64c-23.11.img of=/dev/DISK bs=1M

It is also possible to write a live image to a USB stick, with appropriate filename substitution.

Installing an Arm Morello system

It is possible to use Arm Morello systems both by booting the live image on a USB stick, and also by installing to the internal hard disk. In this section, we describe the how to perform an installation using the memstick image.

Starting the boot

Before powering on your Morello board, ensure that the installer USB stick is inserted into one of the USB ports on the board. Use the power switch to power the board on, which should lead to firmware output on the MCC console during a multi-minute initialization and boot cycle.

Once that has completed, you will see Morello firmware output on the Morello console. When this message is presented, press Escape to enter the UEFI boot menu:

Press ESCAPE for boot options .......

At the UEFI menu, select Boot Manager using the cursor keys, and press Enter:

   Select Language            <Standard English>         This selection will
                                                         take you to the
 > Device Manager                                        Device Manager
 > Boot Manager
 > Boot Maintenance Manager


  ^v=Move Highlight       <Enter>=Select Entry

Select your USB stick from the Boot Manager menu using the cursor keys, and press enter. In the example below, it is the SanDisk Ultra USB 3.0 device:

|                                Boot Manager                                  |

                                                         Device Path :
   Boot Manager Menu                                     PcieRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x0,
   UEFI Shell                                            0x14,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)
   UEFI Misc Device                                      /USB(0x5,0x0)
   UEFI WDC WDS240G2G0A-00JH30 2143B2455605
   UEFI PXEv4 (MAC:0002F7009856)
   UEFI HTTPv4 (MAC:0002F7009856)
   UEFI HTTPv6 (MAC:0002F7009856)
   UEFI PXEv6 (MAC:0002F7009856)
   UEFI SanDisk Ultra USB 3.0
   UEFI Non-Block Boot Device
|                                                                              |
| ^v=Move Highlight       <Enter>=Select Entry      Esc=Exit                   |

This will be followed by the CheriBSD boot loader and kernel output. You can press Enter to proceed, or wait for the countdown timer to finish:

    _____ _               _ ____   _____ _____
   / ____| |             (_)  _ \ / ____|  __ \
  | |    | |__   ___ _ __ _| |_) | (___ | |  | |
  | |    | '_ \ / _ \ '__| |  _ < \___ \| |  | |
  | |____| | | |  __/ |  | | |_) |____) | |__| |
   \_____|_| |_|\___|_|  |_|____/|_____/|_____/
                                                 ```                        `
                                                s` `.....---.......--.```   -/
 /---------- Welcome to CheriBSD ----------\    +o   .--`         /y:`      +.
 |                                         |     yo`:.            :o      `+-
 |  1. Boot Installer [Enter]              |      y/               -/`   -o/
 |  2. Boot Single user                    |     .-                  ::/sy+:.
 |  3. Escape to loader prompt             |     /                     `--  /
 |  4. Reboot                              |    `:                          :`
 |  5. Cons: Serial                        |    `:                          :`
 |                                         |     /                          /
 |  Options:                               |     .-                        -.
 |  6. Kernel: default/kernel (1 of 1)     |      --                      -.
 |  7. Boot Options                        |       `:`                  `:`
 |                                         |         .--             `--.
 |                                         |            .---.....----.
   Autoboot in 10 seconds. [Space] to pause

Note that seperate instances of the installer will run on both the video and serial consoles. Care should be taken to ensure that only one is used as no mechanism is implemented to prevent one from destroying the other's work.

On the serial console, you will eventually be prompted to select a terminal emulation type:

Welcome to FreeBSD!

Please choose the appropriate terminal type for your system.
Common console types are:
   ansi     Standard ANSI terminal
   vt100    VT100 or compatible terminal
   xterm    xterm terminal emulator (or compatible)

Console type [xterm]:

In most cases, simply hitting Enter will be the right thing to do. This will enter bsdinstall, the interactive FreeBSD installer.


bsdinstall uses the libdialog text interface library. Be aware that you will sometimes need to use the space bar, and not enter key, to select menu options, which many users find confusing.

Select Install at the first menu by hitting Enter:

                     │ Welcome to FreeBSD! Would you   │
                     │ like to begin an installation   │
                     │ or use the live CD?             │
                     │ <Install> < Shell > <Live CD>   │

Keymap selection

If you intend only to use the serial console, and not video console, select the default keymap by hitting Enter at the next menu; otherwise, use the cursor keys and space bar to select a country-specific keyboard layout:

     ┌───────────────────────Keymap Selection──────────────────────────┐
     │ The system console driver for FreeBSD defaults to standard "US" │
     │ keyboard map. Other keymaps can be chosen below.                │
     │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
     │ │>>> Continue with default keymap                             │ │
     │ │->- Test default keymap                                      │ │
     │ │( ) Armenian phonetic layout                                 │ │
     │ │( ) Belarusian                                               │ │
     │ │( ) Belgian                                                  │ │
     │ │( ) Belgian (accent keys)                                    │ │
     │ │( ) Brazilian (accent keys)                                  │ │
     │ │( ) Brazilian (without accent keys)                          │ │
     │ │( ) Bulgarian (BDS)                                          │ │
     │ │( ) Bulgarian (Phonetic)                                     │ │
     │ │( ) Canadian Bilingual                                       │ │
     │ └────↓(+)─────────────────────────────────────────────12%─────┘ │
     │                   <Select>          <Cancel>                    │
     └──────────────────[Press arrows, TAB or ENTER]───────────────────┘


Press Enter to accept the default hostname, or replace it:

           ┌───────────────────Set Hostname──────────────────────┐
           │ Please choose a hostname for this machine.          │
           │                                                     │
           │ If you are running on a managed network, please ask │
           │ your network administrator for an appropriate name. │
           │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
           │ │cheribsd                                         │ │
           │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
           │                     <  OK  >                        │

Partitioning (automatic or manual)

This tutorial assumes that you are performing a fresh install, or a complete reinstall of your Morello system, with the intention of booting only CheriBSD. It also assumes that you will be using the UFS file system. If these assumpsions are not true, read the FreeBSD documentation for more information on partitioning disks before proceeding.

Press Enter to select an automated UFS install:

          │ How would you like to partition your disk?             │
          │ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
          │ │   Auto (UFS)  Guided UFS Disk Setup                │ │
          │ │   Auto (ZFS)  EXPERIMENTAL Guided Root-on-ZFS      │ │
          │ │   Manual      Manual Disk Setup (experts)          │ │
          │ │   Shell       Open a shell and partition by hand   │ │
          │ │                                                    │ │
          │ │                                                    │ │
          │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
          │               <  OK  >        <Cancel>                 │

Partition (entire disk)

Select Entire Disk and press Enter:

                 │ Would you like to use this entire disk   │
                 │ (ada0) for FreeBSD or partition it to    │
                 │ share it with other operating systems?   │
                 │ Using the entire disk will erase any     │
                 │ data currently stored there.             │
                 │     <Entire Disk>   < Partition >        │

Partition (entire disk - confirmation)

Press Enter to confirm:

                 │ Would┌──────Confirmation─────────┐disk   │
                 │ (ada0│ This will erase the disk. │  o    │
                 │ share│ Are you sure you want to  │  s?   │
                 │ Using│ proceed?                  │       │
                 │ data ├───────────────────────────┤       │
                 ├──────│     < Yes >   < No  >     │  ─────┤
                 │     <└───────────────────────────┘       │
                 └────────                             ─────┘

Partition Editor

Review the proposed partition scheme, select Finish, and then press Enter to proceed:

           ┌──────────────────Partition Editor────────────────────┐
           │ Please review the disk setup. When complete, press   │
           │ the Finish button.                                   │
           ││ada0            224 GB  GPT                         ││
           ││  ada0p1        260 MB  efi            /boot/efi    ││
           ││  ada0p2        220 GB  freebsd-ufs    /            ││
           ││  ada0p3        3.6 GB  freebsd-swap   none         ││
           ││da0             57 GB   GPT                         ││
           ││  da0p1         33 MB   efi                         ││
           ││  da0p2         2.4 GB  freebsd-ufs                 ││
           ││                                                    ││
           │<Create> <Delete> <Modify> <Revert> < Auto > <Finish> │

Partition editor - confirmation

Select Commit and press Enter to continue with writing out a new partition table:

            ┌─────────────────┤Partition Editor├──────────────────┐
            │ Please review the disk setup. When complete, press  │
            │ the Finish button.                                  │
            │                                                     │
            │                                                     │
            │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
            │ │┌────────────────┤Confirmation├─────────────────┐│ │
            │ ││ Your changes will now be written to disk. If  │  │
            │ ││ you have chosen to overwrite existing data,   │  │
            │ ││ it will be PERMANENTLY ERASED. Are you sure   │  │
            │ ││ you want to commit your changes?              │  │
            │ │├───────────────────────────────────────────────┤  │
            │ ││[   Commit    ] [Revert & Exit] [    Back     ]│  │
            │ │└───────────────────────────────────────────────┘  │
            │ │                                                   │
            │ │                                                 │ │
            │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
            │[Create] [Delete] [Modify] [Revert] [ Auto ] [Finish]│

The installation proceeds

The installer will now proceed to check distribution files and unpack them onto the disk. Unless something goes wrong, no user interaction is required. Typical output from the installation process will look like this:

┌───────────────────────────┤Checksum Verification├──────────────────────────┐
│ base.txz                                                   [   Passed    ] │
│ kernel.txz                                                 [   Passed    ] │
│ base-dbg.txz                                               [   Passed    ] │
│ kernel-dbg.txz                                             [   Passed    ] │
│ kernel.GENERIC-MORELLO-NOCAPREVOKE-NODEBUG-dbg.txz         [   Passed    ] │
│ kernel.GENERIC-MORELLO-NOCAPREVOKE-NODEBUG.txz             [   Passed    ] │
│ kernel.GENERIC-MORELLO-NOCAPREVOKE-dbg.txz                 [ In Progress ] │
│ kernel.GENERIC-MORELLO-NOCAPREVOKE.txz                     [   Pending   ] │
│ kernel.GENERIC-MORELLO-NODEBUG-dbg.txz                     [   Pending   ] │
│ kernel.GENERIC-MORELLO-NODEBUG.txz                         [   Pending   ] │
│ ...                                                                        │
│                                                                            │
│ Verifying checksums of selected distributions.                             │
│                                                                            │
│  ┌─Overall Progress─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐  │
│  │                                  24%                                 │  │
│  └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  │

Updating the EFI configuration table

If you are reinstalling a Morello box with an existing OS install, you may be prompted to update the boot configuration. Press Enter to proceed:

                      ┌─────Boot Configuration────────┐
                      │ There are multiple "FreeBSD"  │
                      │ EFI boot entries. Would you   │
                      │ like to remove them all and   │
                      │ add a new one?                │
                      │     < Yes >   < No  >         │

Setting a root password

Enter a new root password and press Enter. Then confirm it by typing the same password again and pressing Enter.

Please select a password for the system management account (root):
Typed characters will not be visible.
Changing local password for root
New Password:

Network configuration

If desired, configure Ethernet networking by pressing Enter.

      ┌─────────────────────┤Network Configuration├─────────────────────┐
      │ Please select a network interface to configure:                 │
      │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
      │ │re0 RealTek 8168/8111 B/C/CP/D/DP/E/F/G PCIe Gigabit Ethernet│ │
      │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
      │                      [  OK  ]     [Cancel]                      │

Network configuration - enabling IPv4

If desired, enable IPv4 on the Ethernet interface by selecting Yes and pressing Enter:

                        ┌──Network Configuration────┐
                        │ Would you like to         │
                        │ configure IPv4 for this   │
                        │ interface?                │
                        │     < Yes >   < No  >     │

Network configuration - DHCP for IPv4

If you will be using DHCP, select Yes and press Enter. Otherwise select No and press Enter to perform a manual IPv4 configuration.

                       ┌────┤Network Configuration├───┐
                       │ Would you like to use DHCP   │
                       │ to configure this interface? │
                       │     [ Yes  ]    [  No  ]     │

Network configuration - enabling IPv6

If desired, enable IPv6 on the Ethernet interface by selecting Yes and pressing Enter:

                        ┌───┤Network Configuration├───┐
                        │ Would you like to configure │
                        │ IPv6 for this interface?    │
                        │    [ Yes  ]    [  No  ]     │

Network configuration - SLAAC for IPv6

Press Enter to use stateless address autoconfiguration for IPv6:

                      ┌─────┤Network Configuration├─────┐
                      │ Would you like to try stateless │
                      │ address autoconfiguration       │
                      │ (SLAAC)?                        │
                      │      [ Yes  ]     [  No  ]      │

Network configuration - resolver configuration

Enter DNS resolution configuration information, or press Enter to confirm autoconfigured DNS configuration:

   ┌───────────────────────Network Configuration──────────────────────────┐
   │ Resolver Configuration                                               │
   │ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
   │ │Search                                                            │ │
   │ │IPv6 DNS #1                                                       │ │
   │ │IPv6 DNS #2                                                       │ │
   │ │IPv4 DNS #1                                        │ │
   │ │IPv4 DNS #2                                                       │ │
   │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
   │                     <  OK  >           <Cancel>                      │

Local or UTC clock

Press Enter to select a system clock on UTC:

   ┌───────────┤Select local or UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) clock├───────────┐
   │ Is this machine's CMOS clock set to UTC?  If it is set to local time, │
   │ or you don't know, please choose NO here!                             │
   │                                                                       │
   │                          [ Yes  ]   [  No  ]                          │

Timezone selection

Press Enter to select UTC as your timezone; otherwise, select your continent and press Enter.

                      ┌──────┤Time Zone Selector├───────┐
                      │ Select a region                 │
                      │ ┌─────────────────────────────┐ │
                      │ │0  UTC                       │ │
                      │ │1  Africa                    │ │
                      │ │2  America -- North and South│ │
                      │ │3  Antarctica                │ │
                      │ │4  Arctic Ocean              │ │
                      │ │5  Asia                      │ │
                      │ │6  Atlantic Ocean            │ │
                      │ │7  Australia                 │ │
                      │ │8  Europe                    │ │
                      │ │9  Indian Ocean              │ │
                      │ │10 Pacific Ocean             │ │
                      │ └─────────────────────────────┘ │
                      │      [  OK  ]     [Cancel]      │

If you have not selected UTC, select your country and press Enter:

        ┌────────────────────┤Countries in Europe├────────────────────┐
        │ Select a country or region                                  │
        │ ┌─^^^─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
        │ │ 35 Poland                                               │ │
        │ │ 36 Portugal                                             │ │
        │ │ 37 Romania                                              │ │
        │ │ 38 Russian Federation                                   │ │
        │ │ 39 San Marino                                           │ │
        │ │ 40 Serbia                                               │ │
        │ │ 41 Slovakia                                             │ │
        │ │ 42 Slovenia                                             │ │
        │ │ 43 Spain                                                │ │
        │ │ 44 Svalbard and Jan Mayen                               │ │
        │ │ 45 Sweden                                               │ │
        │ │ 46 Switzerland                                          │ │
        │ │ 47 Turkey                                               │ │
        │ │ 48 Ukraine                                              │ │
        │ │ 49 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland │ │
        │ │ 50 Åland Islands                                        │ │
        │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────100%─────┘ │
        │                     [  OK  ]   [Cancel]                     │

Confirm your choice by selecting Yes and pressing Enter:

   │ Does the abbreviation `UTC' look reasonable?                         │
   │                         [ Yes  ]     [  No  ]                        │

Setting the date and time

As desired, set the date, or select Skip and press Enter if you plan to use network time synchronization:

                   ┌─────────────┤Time & Date├────────────┐
                   │        ┌────┐ ┌─────────┐ ┌──┐       │
                   │        │2023│/│ December│/│15│       │
                   │        └────┘ └─────────┘ └──┘       │
                   │       [Set Date]     [  Skip  ]      │

And, likewise, the time:

                   ┌─────────────┤Time & Date├────────────┐
                   │            ┌──┐ ┌──┐ ┌──┐            │
                   │            │11│:│23│:│20│            │
                   │            └──┘ └──┘ └──┘            │
                   │       [Set Time]     [  Skip  ]      │

System configuration

As desired, enable any further services (e.g., ntpd and ntpd_sync_on_start) by selecting them and hitting Space:

┌───────────────────────────┤System Configuration├───────────────────────────┐
│ Choose the services you would like to be started at boot:                  │
│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │[ ] local_unbound      Local caching validating resolver                │ │
│ │[X] sshd               Secure shell daemon                              │ │
│ │[ ] moused             PS/2 mouse pointer on console                    │ │
│ │[ ] ntpd               Synchronize system and network time              │ │
│ │[ ] ntpd_sync_on_start Sync time on ntpd startup, even if offset is high│ │
│ │[ ] powerd             Adjust CPU frequency dynamically if supported    │ │
│ │[X] dumpdev            Enable kernel crash dumps to /var/crash          │ │
│ │[ ] debugger_on_panic  Run debugger on kernel panic                     │ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│                                  [  OK  ]                                  │

Then press Enter to continue.

Add user accounts

If you plan to install the desktop environment in the next step, it is useful to create user accounts now. If desired, select Yes and press Enter to add non-root accounts. Otherwise, select No and press Enter

                        ┌────Add User Accounts──────┐
                        │ Would you like to add     │
                        │ users to the installed    │
                        │ system now?               │
                        │     < Yes >   < No  >     │

If you add non-root users, we recommend adding them to the wheel, operator, and video groups to allow them to manage the system as well as use the desktop environment.

CHERI Desktop environment

If you wish to configure your CheriBSD system with a KDE-based desktop environment you can do so now. NOTE: You must have previously configured the network and be able to reach

                      ┌─────────┤CHERI Desktop├────────┐
                      │ Would you like to install the  │
                      │ CHERI desktop environment      │
                      │ (requires network)?            │
                      │      [ Yes  ]     [  No  ]     │

Select Yes to install (NOTE: this may take 20-50 minutes depending on network conditions).

Virtualization support

If you wish to configure your CheriBSD system to support bhyve-based, CHERI-enabled virtual machines, press Enter:

                      ┌───────┤CHERI VM Support├────────┐
                      │ Would you like to install CHERI │
                      │ virtual machine support         │
                      │ (requires network)?             │
                      │      [ Yes  ]     [  No  ]      │

Final configuration

If there are further configuration settings to change, select an appropriate option from the menu and press Space. Otherwise, press Enter to complete the installation:

┌───────────────────────────Final Configuration──────────────────────────────┐
│ Setup of your FreeBSD system is nearly complete. You can now modify your   │
│ configuration choices. After this screen, you will have an opportunity to  │
│ make more complex changes using a shell.                                   │
│ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
│ │Exit              Apply configuration and exit installer                │ │
│ │Add User          Add a user to the system                              │ │
│ │Root Password     Change root password                                  │ │
│ │Hostname          Set system hostname                                   │ │
│ │Network           Networking configuration                              │ │
│ │Services          Set daemons to run on startup                         │ │
│ │System Hardening  Set security options                                  │ │
│ │Time Zone         Set system timezone                                   │ │
│ │Handbook          Install FreeBSD Handbook (requires network)           │ │
│ │CHERI Desktop     Install the CHERI desktop environment (requires networ│ │
│ │CHERI VM Support  Install CHERI virtual machine support (requires networ│ │
│ │                                                                        │ │
│ │                                                                        │ │
│ │                                                                        │ │
│ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│                                 <  OK  >                                   │

Manual configuration

If desired, select Yes and press Enter to drop to a shell before reboot. Otherwise, select No and press Enter.

                   ┌───────Manual Configuration──────────┐
                   │ The installation is now finished.   │
                   │ Before exiting the installer, would │
                   │ you like to open a shell in the new │
                   │ system to make any final manual     │
                   │ modifications?                      │
                   │         < Yes >     < No  >         │


Select Reboot and press Enter:

                     │ Installation of FreeBSD complete! │
                     │ Would you like to reboot into the │
                     │ installed system now?             │
                     │ [ Reboot ] [Shutdown] [Live CD ]  │

Rebooting after installation

Remove the USB stick to prevent the installer from running after a system reboot. If you have issues with reliabity rebooting your Morello box, confirm that you are using a recent Morello firmware revision due to a known firmware bug in earlier versions that made OS-triggered reboot unreliable.

Logging in

Log in using the username root and the password you entered during the installation process:

Performing sanity check on sshd configuration.
Starting sshd.
Starting cron.
Starting background file system checks in 60 seconds.
Starting sddm.

Fri Dec 15 11:32:45 UTC
CheriBSD/arm64 (cheribsd) (ttyu0)

login: root
Dec 15 11:37:01 cheribsd login[1277]: ROOT LOGIN (root) ON ttyu0
FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT aarch64c 1400094 (GENERIC-MORELLO) #0 releng/23.11-3b754ceed4ae: Wed Dec 13 08:54:18 UTC 2023

Welcome to CheriBSD!

CheriBSD extends FreeBSD to implement memory protection and software
compartmentalization features enabled by CHERI-extended CPUs.

The CheriBSD front page:

We provide support via a mailing list:

And also via the CHERI-CPU Slack:

CheriBSD source may be found at:

Find out more about about CHERI at

WARNING: INVARIANTS kernel option defined, expect reduced performance
WARNING: WITNESS kernel option defined, expect reduced performance
WARNING: capability revocation enabled by default, this may affect performance
root@cheribsd:~ #

You can now add further users, install SSH keys for remote access, install packages, and so on.