CheriABI Showcase

This exercise demonstrates several aspects of CheriABI, which defines how CheriBSD processes are constructed, how function calls are made, how a process interacts with the kernel through system calls, and other such foundational details.

The Kernel Voluntarily Honors Capability Bounds

kern-read-over.c demonstrates a (potential) loss of spatial safety when pointers are passed from userspace to the kernel. The kernel, by convention, has full access to all of userspace memory. Even when CheriBSD is running CheriABI programs, this is true: the kernel holds a capability with full RWX access to all userspace addresses. Therefore, the kernel can act as a confused deputy, accessing memory with its legitimate authority but without intent.

  1. Compile kern-read-over.c for both the baseline (kern-read-over-baseline) and CHERI-enabled (kern-read-over-cheri) architectures.

  2. Run these programs and observe their outputs.

  3. Focusing on the read() system call, what happens in the two versions of the program. When, in particular, does it look like the CHERI version notices something is amiss?

  4. If you have done the inter-stack-object buffer overflow exercise, contrast the behaviors of the two CHERI-enabled programs.

The Process Memory Map

In most UNIX programs, the rights to manipulate the virtual memory map are ambient: any piece of code can change the virtual memory permissions associated with a page, munmap pages, or even request a replacement mapping ("fixed mmap") almost anywhere in the address space. This risks allowing evasion of CHERI capabilities' protection properties, as CHERI capabilities are interpreted in combination with the virtual memory map.

Therefore, the CheriBSD kernel avails itself of a software permission bit in CHERI capabilities. Such permissions are not architecturally interpreted but are still subject to architectural protection (and so, for example, a zero permission bit may not be set to one without simultaneously clearing the capability tag). In particular, CheriBSD defines CHERI_PERM_SW_VMEM, sets this permission bit when returning pointers to new allocations of address space, and requires that capabilities passed to address-space-manipulating functions bear this permission. Userspace components are free to clear this permission when delegating access to address space.

  1. Compile perm-vmem.c for both the baseline (perm-vmem-baseline) and CHERI-enabled (perm-vmem-cheri) architectures.

  2. Run these programs and observe their outputs. The printf format strings for capabilities, %p and %#p, elide some usually-excessive details, and CHERI_PERM_SW_VMEM is generally regarded as one such. gdb's pretty-printing, similarly. However, we can programmatically extract the permissions field and display it.

  3. Modify perm-vmem.c to verify that madvise(MADV_FREE) and mmap(MAP_FIXED) also are permitted for the capability returned directly from mmap but are not permitted for the heap-derived pointer.

(Extra Credit!) Initial Process Construction

We have largely focused on program behavior after it has been loaded and is running. Let us look in a little more detail at some aspects of the initial construction. While modern ELF loading is well beyond the scope of this document, and is perhaps best summarized as "here be dragons", we can nevertheless take a quick glance at some interesting features of CheriABI startup.

  1. Compile print-more.c for both the baseline (print-more-baseline) and the CHERI-enabled (print-more-cheri) architectures.

  2. Run both these programs and observe their outputs. As might be predicted, the CHERI version reports a wide variety of capabilities to different parts of the address space. Run both programs several times; what do you observe?

    Let us examine several interesting aspects of the reported capabilities.

  3. Launch gdb ./print-more-cheri and have it start the program and stop before running any instructions, with starti. Where do we find ourselves?

  4. Use info inferiors to obtain the child process identifier (PID) and !procstat vm NNN (replacing NNN with the child PID) to show the initial address space arranged by the kernel.

    Which of these initial mappings are targeted by the values reported for &rodata_const, &relro_ptr, &rw_ptr and printf in step 2? What are the permissions for these mappings?

  5. Just because the page mappings exist, however, CHERI programs need to have capabilities installed to access them. Here at the very beginning of a process's life, we are in a good position to see the root capabilities that the kernel makes available. Use info registers to see the initial contents of the register file.

  6. Let's begin our tour with csp, the capability stack pointer register.

    First, what may strike you as surprising (and why) about the stack pointer being replaced by a capability?

    Second, compare the address space map obtained above with the current csp value; what has the kernel arranged to "back" the region of address space within stack bounds?

    If you are familiar with Stack Clash Vulnerabilities, explain how the two aspects above work in tandem to mitigate this class of vulnerability.

    Third, contrast the relative order of &argv[0] and &stack_local as reported on the two different architectures in step 2 above.

  7. Having access to the stack is all well and good, but surely there is more to a process than that. At the beginning of a CheriABI process's life, the capability in ca0 (the first "argument register") points to the "auxiliary vector", an array of Elf_Auxinfo structures constructed by the kernel.

    gdb can ask the kernel for, and display, the information in the auxiliary vector with info auxv. However, the pretty-printer is not capability aware, so let's also directly spelunk the structure. Use some gdb scripting to print out the auxiliary vector in its entirety:

    set $i = 0
    while(((Elf_Auxinfo *)$ca0)[$i].a_type != 0)
    p ((Elf_Auxinfo *)$ca0)[$i]
    set $i = $i + 1

    Use the more human-friendly info auxv to interpret the a_type values.

    In addition to the AT_ARGV value we have already (indirectly) seen above, there are many other capabilities to nearby parts of the address space, including the initial environment vector (AT_ENVV) and the executable path (AT_EXECPATH).

    More usefully, however,

    • AT_PHDR supplies a read/write capability to the loaded executable.

    • AT_ENTRY supplies a read/execute capability to the loaded executable, pointed at its entrypoint.

    • AT_BASE supplies a full read/write/execute capability to the program's "interpreter" (dynamic loader). The elevated permissions here allow the loader to (relatively) easily relocate itself early in execution.

    From which of these capabilities are the displayed values of &rodata_const, &relro_ptr, and &rw_ptr from step 2 sourced? What permissions have been shed in the derivation? How do these permissions differ from those of the underlying page mappings?

  8. The displayed value for printf is tagged as being a (sentry). Modify the program to attempt to display the result of computing either

    • *(char *)(printf) or
    • (void*)((uintptr_t)printf + 1).

    Compile and run this modified version (or both). What happens?

    Sentry (short for "Sealed Entry") capabilities are a special form of capabilities: they are immutable and inert, conveying to the bearer no authority to the target, until they become the program counter, at which point they are unsealed into being an ordinary capability. Thus, we can neither read through nor mutate our handle to printf, yet we can jump to it.

    If you are familiar with Return Oriented Programming and Jump Oriented Programming, you may wish to consider the cumulative challenge added by CHERI's architectural provenance requirement combined with pervasive use of sentry capabilities for dynamically resolved symbols.



 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-DARPA-SSITH-ECATS-HR0011-18-C-0016
 * Copyright (c) 2020 SRI International
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation
#include <assert.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

#define bsz 16

	int fds[2];
	pid_t pid;

	if (pipe(fds) == -1)
		err(1, "pipe");
	if ((pid = fork()) == -1)
		err(1, "fork");
	if (pid == 0) {
		char out[2*bsz];
		for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(out); i++) {
			out[i] = 0x10 + i;

		if (write(fds[0], out, sizeof(out)) != sizeof(out)) {
			err(1, "write");
		printf("Write OK\n");
	} else {
		int res;
		char upper[bsz] = { 0 };
		char lower[bsz] = { 0 };

		waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);

		printf("lower=%p upper=%p\n", lower, upper);
		assert((ptraddr_t)upper == (ptraddr_t)&lower[sizeof(lower)]);

		res = read(fds[1], lower, sizeof(lower) + sizeof(upper));
		assert(res != 0);
		if (res > 0) {
			printf("Read 0x%x OK; lower[0]=0x%x upper[0]=0x%x\n",
			    res, lower[0], upper[0]);
		} else if (res < 0) {
			printf("Bad read (%s); lower[0]=0x%x upper[0]=0x%x\n",
			    strerror(errno), lower[0], upper[0]);

	return 0;


 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

#include <cheri/cherireg.h>
#define PRINTF_PTR "#p"
#define PRINTF_PTR "p"

	char *m, *p;
	int res;

	/* Get a page from the kernel and give it back */
	    -1, 0);
	assert(p != MAP_FAILED);
	printf("Directly mapped page at p=%" PRINTF_PTR "\n", p);
	printf(" p.perms=0x%lx\n", __builtin_cheri_perms_get(p));
	res = madvise(p, 4096, MADV_FREE);
	assert(res == 0);

	    -1, 0);
	assert(p != MAP_FAILED);

	res = munmap(p, 4096);
	assert(res == 0);

	/* Get a pointer to a whole page of the heap*/
	m = malloc(8192);
	p = __builtin_align_up(m, 4096);
	printf("Punching hole in the heap at p=%" PRINTF_PTR "\n", p);
	printf(" p.perms=0x%lx\n", __builtin_cheri_perms_get(p));

	    -1, 0);
	assert(q != MAP_FAILED);

	if (madvise(p, 4096, MADV_FREE) != 0) {
		printf("madvise failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));

	if (munmap(p, 4096) != 0) {
		printf("munmap failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));



 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define PRINTF_PTR "#p"
#define PRINTF_PTR "p"

static const int rodata_const = 42;
static int (*const relro_ptr)(const char *, ...) = printf;
static int (*rw_ptr)(const char *, ...) = printf;

main(int argc, char **argv)
	int stack_local;

	printf("&argv[0]=%" PRINTF_PTR "\n", &argv[0]);
	printf(" argv[0]=%" PRINTF_PTR "\n",  argv[0]);
	printf("&stack_local=%" PRINTF_PTR "\n", &stack_local);

	printf("&rodata_const=%" PRINTF_PTR "\n", &rodata_const);

	printf("&relro_ptr=%" PRINTF_PTR "\n", &relro_ptr);
	printf("&rw_ptr=%" PRINTF_PTR "\n", &rw_ptr);

	printf("printf=%" PRINTF_PTR "\n", printf);


This exercise has presentation materials available.